Where to find RTMaps documentation?

There are various kinds of documentation resources and therefore various places to find it.

In the following article [RTMAPS_INSTALL] refers to your RTMaps installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\Intempora\RTMaps 4\ under Windows and /opt/rtmaps/ under Linux).

RTMaps User documentation

The main documentation file (and a good place to start with) is the RTMaps User Manual PDF file. It is available in your RTMaps installation folder under subfolder doc/

    • [RTMAPS_INSTALL]/doc/rtmaps_user_manual.pdf

The articles here will point to a quick start guide and a few demos and tutorials:

RTMaps components have their own individual documentation which can be accessed from within the RTMaps Studio, right-clicking on a component and choosing ā€œHelpā€ (or menu Help in the Studio, then ā€œHelp contents | RTMaps Documentation | local | Componentsā€)

  • Documentation specific to RTMaps packages of components can be located in the packages folders ([RTMAPS_INSTALL]/packages/rtmaps_[mypackage]/doc/).
    Example: [RTMAPS_INSTALL]/packages/rtmaps_python_bridge/doc/rtmaps_python_bridge.pdf

This HelpDesk website is a good place to find some tutorials and knowledge base articles.

See also [RTMAPS_INSTALL]/doc/ and [RTMAPS_INSTALL]/tools/simulink/ where documentation and examples about Simulink interfaces in RTMaps can be found.

RTMaps Developer documentation

RTMaps component developers can find documentation about the SDK/API in various places.

  • [RTMAPS_INSTALL]/doc/rtmaps_developer_manual.pdf is a good place to start with.

Examples of source code can be found in your userā€™s RTMaps SDK folder

  • Under Windows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\RTMaps SDK Projects\samples.u\
  • Under Linux: /home/[username]/rtmaps_sdk/samples.u/ (provided that ā€˜rtmaps_sdk_wizard --samplesā€™ has been called once at least)

The RTMaps SDK API reference is available in [RTMAPS_INSTALL]\doc\sdk_reference\api_documentation\index.html

  • Some source code for RTMaps components (like for instance the OpenCV wrappers for RTMaps) can be found on our GitLab server: Explore projects Ā· GitLab (for now there are few, but we expect to add more in a near future).