Unit format types from matlab functions to rtmaps components

I have been running into some issues when using the matlab to rtmaps tlc. The components that are created seem to have difficulty reading/outputting vectors and arrays. This was a simple example I ran to test functionality. I converted the following matlab code into rtmaps packages then ran the following diagram. As can be seen, even though the functions can be turned into the components, the output is not what is expected. interpretArray4 thinks that the first and second position of the input vector are the same when they are clearly different. Any help on why this is the case would be very helpful.

First matlab function:

function [outputArg1] = createRandStdInputvec(inputArg1)
%UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here
%   Detailed explanation goes here
    inputArg1 (1,1)
if inputArg1 == 1
    outputArg1 = rand(1,9);
    outputArg1 = zeros(1,9);

Second matlab function:

function [outputArg1,outputArg2] = interpretArray4(inputArg1)
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
%   Detailed explanation goes here
    inputArg1 (1,180)
outputArg1 = inputArg1(1);
outputArg2 = inputArg1(2);

RTmaps diagram

I can reproduce the problem using the rtmaps_function2pck.
We are investigating how to fix this currently. I’ll keep you in touch.

Thanks for the report.