Training ressources

Hello fellow RTMaps users,

Please find here resources to start with RTMaps. :slight_smile:

Video tutorials - Online training

The RTMaps Studio and RTMaps main concepts

Start with the RTMaps Studio to develop your first RTMaps applications and understand the RTMaps engine execution mechanisms (how components exchange data, how data samples are timestamped, the different policies to manage multiple streams and potentially resynch them and maintain time coherency within a parallel execution engine):

INTEMPORA - RTMaps Studio.pptx

and a few exercises

INTEMPORA - RTMaps Studio - practice.pptx

The RTMaps SDK - How to develop your own RTMaps components

With C++

INTEMPORA - RTMaps SDK - Cpp components.pptx

INTEMPORA - RTMaps SDK - Legacy Cpp components.pptx

INTEMPORA - RTMaps SDK - practice.pptx

With Python

INTEMPORA - RTMaps SDK - Python components.pptx

With Simulink

INTEMPORA - RTMaps TLC target for Simulink Coder.pptx

How to integrate RTMaps as a library in your own software, and/or control it from third party applications

INTEMPORA - RTMaps SDK - External API.pptx

How to target embedded boards

RTMaps Embedded - Quick Start v2.0.pdf