RTMaps SocketCAN Issue: no Rx or Tx


We are currently using a university computer that uses Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS to perform a similar run (running a similar .rtd file in RTMaps Studio) as our AUTERA. However we get these issue:

We are using version 2.4.0 for SocketCAN package and RTMaps version is 4.12. We have also downloaded the rtmaps_mac folder and have moved it to the appropriate location (opt/rtmaps/packages). We are also using RTMaps_MAC.pck for Ubuntu 22.04.

Any advice on how to approach this issue would be helpful. Thank you!

Update: We try to update the files within the Diagram Updater, but are unable to overwrite the file/package (not sure if this could also be in line as to the issue before or a separate issue entirely):

You’re likely getting those errors from the socketcan2 component because the PC you’re using doesn’t have a CAN card like the AUTERA does. You might be able to set up a virtual CAN port if that’s something you wanted. But you can always still test all the other parts of your diagram without that.

As per the issue with overwriting the .rtd file, maybe make sure you have write access to the file. If the file is owned by root, you may have to start RTMaps with the ‘sudo’ command (or change the file ownership or access right with chown or chmod).

Hope it helps,