RTMaps Error: "syntax error, unexpected INTEGER, expecting end of file"

Hello, hope all is well!

I’m encountering the following error in RTMaps:

Error: syntax error, unexpected INTEGER, expecting end of file

This happens when we run our Command Actuation Diagram (rtd file). There was no issue before hand however the moment we changed the rate of our number generator (Output period) the issue then occurred. I tried to revert back to our original settings on the number generator, but the issue still persists.

Any advice on how to approach this issue would be helpful. Thank you!


This error message seems to come from a command or file parser.
Can you share more logs and more details on what is on your diagram? Are you changing the settings using the RTMaps Studio, the command line in rtmaps_runtime, or modifying the .rtd file?

Best regards,

Some of the blocks we are using are number generators, DIDDecoder, counter, and authentication macro components that were given to us from dSPACE. We are modifying the .rtd file. Currently the way the diagram is setup is that it is housing many macro components in which we transmit CAN messages.

I suggest you to disable components or macro-components (right click on the component → disable) one by one until the error clears so you can find which component causes this. You can start by the CAN components since the error message looks like it could be coming from a DBC parser.

To clarify, when you mention “We are modifying the .rtd file”, do you mean with RTMaps Studio, or with a file editor? Modifying with a file editor could be prone to syntax errors as described in the message.

We are modifying the .rtd file with RTMaps Studio. We will try that approach and provide an update asap, thank you again!

Update: Was able to clear the error. Found the macro component that was causing the issue and was able to narrow it down within the diagram and removed the block and replaced it again. Thank you max!

There appears to be a new issue but I am wondering if its because we haven’t set up the socket can on the terminal that could be causing the issue…or something else entirely:

Full error message:
“Error: component Auth_macro_EPS_working_1::socketcan2_2BD: Failed to write input frame #0 [frame_id:701] [frame_data_length:2] [expected_written_byte_count:72] [actual_written_byte_count:-1] [errno_value:105] [errno_string:No buffer space available]”

This error can come from a CAN interface configuration error.
Did a change in your configuration happened before this error?

No, we did not not configure in the terminal correctly. But we just made the change to do:

sudo ip link set can0 down
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.75 dbitrate
2000000 dsample-point 0.75 fd on
sudo ip link set can0 up

And it cleared the error, thank you again!

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