Licensing Issue in Dockers

We were trying to set up dockers on our computers (using stuff from here:… ) to cross-compile using the docker and WSL as we mostly have educational licenses and 2 floating licenses. To get licensing to work, we added a line in the shell script to set the right MAC address for the container, but we’re getting hit with this issue:

Not sure how to resolve this. Any help would be appreciated!

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Copy that, we’ll look into it.


The Intempora .lic files have an option to enable or disable the usage in VM environments (which might extend to Docker environments).
You should ask Intempora teams to update your license file with enabling this VM option.
I think educational licenses have this VM option enabled by default, at least is it the case now. I’m not sure if it was already the case some time ago. You may try to generate a new education license to get a recent one.