Is it possible to use custom types in the python bridge similar to the C++ SDK ?
I couldn’t find any documentation or sample specific for PythonBridge.
Could you help me please? Thanks.
Kind regards,
Is it possible to use custom types in the python bridge similar to the C++ SDK ?
I couldn’t find any documentation or sample specific for PythonBridge.
Could you help me please? Thanks.
Kind regards,
Hello Daniel,
Yes it is possible to create and read/write custom structure in a python bridge component. Actually there is a sample about that, located in in “packages\rtmaps_python_bridge\samples\Chapter2_Types_Creation”
Here is one of the code samples :
import rtmaps.types
from ctypes import *
import rtmaps.reading_policy
from rtmaps.base_component import BaseComponent # base class
# This sample uses ctypes : https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/ctypes.html
# This class mirrors a C struct and will be used to read a write from RAW bytes.
class MyCStyleStructType(Structure):
_fields_ = [('a', c_int),
('b', c_int),
('c', c_int)]
_pack_ = 1
# Python class that will be called from RTMaps.
class rtmaps_python(BaseComponent):
def __init__(self):
BaseComponent.__init__(self) # call base class constructor
def Dynamic(self):
# Here "Example" is the name of the custom struct generated
self.add_output("out", rtmaps.types.CUSTOM_STRUCT, 0, "Example") # Specify output type
# Birth() will be called once at diagram execution startup
def Birth(self):
# Core() is called every time you have a new input
def Core(self):
a = 7
b = 21
c = 666
var = MyCStyleStructType(a, b, c) # Build structure
bvar = bytes(var)
# Death() will be called once at diagram execution shutdown
def Death(self):
Just as a reminder, on top of the samples in the installation directory, we also have a PythonBridge video tutorial on YouTube.
Hope this helps.
I have found the samples indeed. Thanks a lot !